The Hand of Fatima or Hamsa in Morocco

Meaning of the Hand of Fatima: the different legends

The meaning of the Hand of Fatima is linked to the daughter of the prophet of Islam, Muhammad. However, there are several theories about it, which have been transmitted orally throughout the Muslim world. Especially in the Middle East and North Africa.

In this post, we tell you what these main theories are so that you can fully understand why this symbol takes this peculiar shape.

Origins of the symbol

Although today the hand of Fatima is closely associated with the Muslim religion. The truth is that archaeological evidence shows that it was already being used by civilizations prior to the rise of Islam. For example, the Carthaginians many centuries before Christ. Or the Jews, at least since the 6th century B.C., who, by the way, continue to use it as a protective amulet.

However, Fatima’s hand was the Muslims who, assimilating the previous tradition, The Hand of Fatima with meaning. Mainly through oral legends. Below we show the two most important ones, the exact details of which may differ depending on the source.

Main legend about the meaning of the Hand of Fatima

Fatima az-Zahra was the fourth daughter of the Prophet Muhammad and wife of Ali ibn Abi Talib. The fourth and last orthodox caliph of Islam. One day, while cooking at home, she saw Ali arrive with a concubine. It should be noted that this religion, in its most traditional version, allows polygamy as long as the livelihood of all women is guaranteed.

In any case, Fatima could not repress a sincere feeling of sadness at that moment. She continued to cook in her pot but was so affected that instead of stirring the stew with a utensil. She did it with her hand. However, the emotional pain was so great that she did not feel the physical pain of the burn.

On the other hand, Ali did, and he realized the situation and understood the harm he was causing his wife. Therefore, he reflected and left his concubine to devote himself only to Fatima, whose hand was from then on a symbol of patience and abnegation.

Another Moroccan version of the legend

In Morocco, especially in the north, there is also another widespread version, which explains the meaning of the Hand of Fatima in a different way. Although it has the same characters as protagonists. In this case, the enamored wife would have placed her hand on the body of Ali. Who was also a distinguished military man in the early days of Islam. And at the same time, she would have dedicated a prayer to him before leaving for war.

This gesture would have served Ali as an effective protection, emerging victorious on the battlefield without suffering any physical harm. Therefore, according to this version, the meaning of the Hand of Fatima is about values such as strength, courage and blessing.

Whatever your favorite version of the meaning of the Hand of Fatima is. What is clear is that you will find it in many places during your trip to Morocco. And if you want us to help you organize it, you can contact us. Definitely, we will take care of all the details and focus your visits on aspects of Moroccan popular culture, such as the one we have told you about in this article.

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