Morocco Man

Most Moroccan men are born into a macho culture. They live it from an early age, being a man in Morocco means being born with much more luck than being born as a woman. Although it also entails certain responsibilities. They are responsible for the livelihood of their families and the welfare of their members.

The eldest, that is to say, the male child who is born first is the one who will stay in the family home. The one who will have to marry first and who will have to form a family together with his parents.

If you travel around Morocco, and you have the opportunity to meet a Moroccan family. You will realize how important it is to be a man in Morocco, for better or for worse.

The Moroccan man and respect

The man in Morocco has among one of its most important principles. Respect, respect is something that no man can leave behind. Whatever his status or position in society.

To disrespect the family is something unforgivable. Something that hardly very few allow themselves. Although sometimes they do not lack desire. Because these men become “slaves” of their own families, having to accept impositions that are difficult to bear. One of them, the most common, is that of marriage, Families wearily insist that their children get married and worst of all, is that when they decide to do it. Tired of listening to their parents and relatives, they do it unwillingly. With those women that their relatives propose to them, being most of the times, first cousins or existing some family link.

If you travel around Morocco you will discover that the marriages that are celebrated usually involve consanguinity. Especially in the south of Morocco. As a Spaniard, I always say the same thing: Isn’t it a big world, that you have to marry your family?

But…in Morocco, they see it differently, to marry between cousins, is to know the origins of the families. So they think they have already won something. But…it is not true, what they win the hand to work, a womb that will bear fruit and no love or passion.

Apart from respect, what is the most important thing for a Morocco man?

His mother and his children, but…mothers are the ones who have the highest position on the scale of values for Moroccan men.

Most Moroccan mothers, if not all of them, conceive their children without love. And this love, so non-existent between her and her partner, they transfer it. They project it, towards their children and their children, towards them.

Living in Morocco, I can assure you that it is rare to see love between couples(man and woman). I think, of all those I know, and there are many, only two couples, I would say that between them there is love. But love for mothers is quite different, there is a lot of love.

One day I was chatting with a friend and he was telling me how much he loved his mother. And while he was explaining it to me, sadness was showing in his eyes. He continued explaining and told me that he had never heard from his father’s mouth the name of his mother, he called her: Hey you! 

Very hard reality for the times in which we live, modernity. But… there are many places in Morocco, which are still anchored in ancestral traditions.

Willing to trave to Morocco soon to discover more about Moroccan man?

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