Ramadan in Morocco

Ramadan in Morocco 2023: traveling on these dates

Ramadan in Morocco takes place on the same dates as in the rest of the Islamic world. During the ninth month of the Muslim calendar, which is somewhat shorter than the one in the West. As it counts the lunar cycle instead of the solar cycle. Therefore, this special period falls on a different date each year. In Marrakech Camel trips we advise you to take into account Ramadan if you are going to travel to Morocco. In the following lines, we explain what it is and some tips about it.

What Ramadan is like in Morocco

Ramadan, in Morocco at least officially, is strictly practiced. It is a period of the year lasting 30 days, during which all Muslims are ought to fast during the day. As well as to abstain from other temptations, such as sex or drugs, including tobacco.

It is a way to purify and expose the body to self-discipline in accordance with Islamic belief. When night falls, however, the situation changes radically. Moroccans, with family or friends, celebrate with particular enthusiasm the fact that they have been able to overcome the fast of the day.

In Morocco Ramadan has, of course, a strong influence on life in the cities. It is in a state of lethargy, with many establishments shut down and far less street traffic. Frequently contrasting with the pace and atmosphere breathed after sunset, particularly behind closed doors at the familial level.

Traveling to Morocco in Ramadan: is it advisable or not?

The question is: is it really worth traveling to Morocco in Ramadan? As with everything in life, opinions vary. Here are some reasons for and against organizing your trip at this time of year.

Reasons not to travel in Ramadan

In most cases, we do not recommend visiting Morocco in Ramadan, since the whole country is paralyzed. Adapting to the schedules of this holiday. Therefore, it is very common to find many establishments closed during the day. In addition, many Moroccans also take the opportunity to enjoy their vacations during this period. So a traveler who wants to see the country in all its splendor may be a little disappointed.

Another disadvantage to take into account is the mood. Fasting and continence is a physical and mental effort that not all people endure in the same way. So during these days, there are usually many Moroccans with worse character and with little desire to work. Something understandable due to the aforementioned effort of fasting. This makes the people of the country more sensitive. So beware: what at other times is not frowned upon, can be interpreted as a lack of respect during Ramadan.

Reasons to get to know Ramadan

On the other hand, Ramadan in Morocco is not a deterrent for many travelers. On the contrary: they see it as an interesting opportunity to get to know a differentiating element of Moroccan culture.

In addition, at this time the country has another life at night. The souks are crowded with people and full of products. These are not usually seen or are seen in smaller quantities at other times. Therefore, traveling in Ramadan also has a special charm. Especially for those tourists with an explorer spirit and special interest in aspects such as culture and ethnography.

In any case, we believe that most tourists may encounter more inconveniences than benefits on these dates. Therefore, find out when the next holy month for Muslims will be celebrated. And carefully evaluate the pros and cons of organizing a trip coinciding with Ramadan in Morocco.

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