love in Morocco
Whoever reads this post of Marrakech Camel Trips, has possibly lived the experience of loving in Morocco. Maybe still loves, or maybe has loved, but in any of the cases, will have known the “love in Morocco”.
Why do I write love in Morocco in quotation marks? Because unfortunately the sale of love in Morocco is something very common, an ugly practice that both men and women practice.
Love in Morocco, as in any part of the world is uncertain. You never know where it will lead you, it can lead you to a good end or end badly.
Most of the love stories that foreigners have in Morocco. If you can call it that – are fleeting stories of one night, it is clear that this has another name, but let’s leave it at that.
Loving in Morocco is complicated, because not only do we face a single person, whom we love. But we must also deal with a society culturally loaded with traditions. Whether good or bad, but I assure you that they are very present.
If you decide to love in Morocco, you must do it unconditionally. Because you believe in your true love and you bet on it, even if they tell you that there are very few couples who make it. Maybe you are that 1% and you lose the opportunity to be happy.
I am of the opinion that in love there is nothing easy, and to love is to suffer. When you love someone you suffer for them. Whether in the love of a couple or in the love for your children.
Love between Moroccan couples
My tours in Morocco place me more in the desert area of Morocco, and it is where I have experienced more new Moroccan marriages. My perception clearly is that they are rigged marriages, without any kind of love and sometimes even with little attraction. But culturally both sexes have it so assumed that they do not even remotely consider what we foreigners might consider.
In Morocco they say that love comes later.
Let everyone draw their own conclusions.
Love between foreigners and Moroccans
Hold on, there are curves ahead! Both sides will have to give many explanations to their families, whether foreigners with their families, as Moroccans with theirs. That will be the first drawback to declare their love to the four winds.
Let’s not fool ourselves, a traditional Moroccan family does not want a foreigner for their son or daughter. And neither does a European family want a Moroccan. Our cultures are full of wrong prejudices and the curious thing is that love does not understand borders, cultures, or color.
Marrying a Spanish woman to a Moroccan is a race of resistance and obstacles, only a few will resist. Unfortunately, we will discover how big are the borders of our countries, and we will have to let ourselves be ignored by our country. Going through interviews between courts and consulates, explaining our feelings and the fate of a few officials.
But…the whole world is sick of love, we live in a world broken by racism, and each one of us, individually, must learn to be more human and to believe in love.
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